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I think I'm in love! The sound design, the illustrations, the story - everything was super atmospheric and hauntingly beautiful. The Stranger also carried some hints of Japanese folklore (ghost passengers, Kuchisake-onna and maybe Oiwa) which really ramped up her eeriness, plus her musings on identity and faith. Thank you for making this game!

I'm so glad you like it this much! Thank *you* for playing :)


What an engaging game... The movements of the scenery and her expressions made the game very dynamic, it turned out really well.

You did a great job on this game! I love the art work, having us zoom out to see our Stranger simply staring at us with a slight smile was a great way to set the creepy tone of the game. 

I think I love her; she has such a pretty smile, it practically splits her face in half... rather intense eyes though.


Great game! I thought it was so creepy and the vague mystery of what was happening was great too! Thanks for making this!

The illustration is great and I enjoy the plot a lot! The environment and sound design are great. I wasn't expecting to get the true end so soon, but I did quite like it! This is the kind of creepy, keep me up at night horror I love the most. <3

Deleted 59 days ago

it was very interesting and insightful to see your perspective. I don’t know if it’s currently possible but maybe there might be a director’s cut where we expand on everything (since it was made under restriction). Thank you so much for playing and liking it!


Such a beautiful game. The Illustration is great and the facial expressions are S Tier. The endings are very interesting as well, I enjoyed it!

Thank you for enjoying it! It means a lot :)

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